Monday, August 13, 2012

Glory to the Alliance!

Glory to the Alliance!
We'll hold our heads up in defiance
If the Horde should ever come marching in
(which I doubt).

We're made up of the highest of Kings
and the lowest of peasants,
and together we'll make sure, for our enemies,
that the battle is less than pleasent.
Whether it be at Alterac Valley or Warsong Gulch,
You can bet we'll be doing our best to turn them Orcs into mulch.

If the battle looks grim,
and loss is on the brim,
We will still not give up,
not on a whim.
We will look up to him,
if he happens to be there,
and he will say,
"In our enemies blood we will swim!"    

So rise up; we stand united!
For those with doubts,
Well, we will leave the path lighted,

For we are the Alliance,
brothers and sisters,
so let's get out there and kick some Horde keisters!

Glory to the Alliance!

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